Category: Vyasa Mahabharata

The Mahabharata is ancient Indian epic which revolves around the feud between Pandavas and Kauravas. Mahabharata was composed by Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa, where he talks about the bravery of Pandavas, cruelty of Kauravas, cunning nature of Shakuni, compassion of Lord Shree Krishna and patience of Draupadi. Read more about rare and interesting stories on Mahabharata . . .

Who wrote Mahabharata
Who wrote Mahabharata - The challenge of Vyasa and Ganseha
Maharshi Veda Vyasa wrote Mahabharata. Follow along in this article to know who wrote Mahabharata and...

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Ravana prays Lord shiva
Real reason for Ravana Shaking Mount Kailash? Did Lord Shiva Punish Ravana?
The popular depiction of “Ravana Shaking Mount Kailash” is as shown in Ellora caves has a...
Luv and Kush
Luv Kush - Complete story from birth fight with Shree Rama
Luv Kush are the children of Lord Shree Rama and Devi Sita who were born in the forest away from their...
Jambavan - Why did Shree Krishna fight Jambavan?
Jambavan was the bear king who actively participated in the Lanka War and helped Lord Rama win over Ravana....


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