Read more about the article Why Brahma is not Worshipped on Earth? Did powerful Brahma really lie?
Brahma the creator

Why Brahma is not Worshipped on Earth? Did powerful Brahma really lie?

Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheshwar are the trinity or Trideva, they have utmost respect for each other. The reason why brahma is not worshipped on earth can traced back to the Puranas which talk about…

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Read more about the article Ganesha curse Chandra dev – Why should you watch Moon on Ganesh Chaturthi?
Ganesha Curses Chandra

Ganesha curse Chandra dev – Why should you watch Moon on Ganesh Chaturthi?

Chandra dev was cursed by Lord Ganesha, due to which he lost his spark. Watching the moon on Ganesh Chaturthi will bring insults in our way. This post deals with…

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