Read more about the article Ganesha curse Chandra dev – Why should you watch Moon on Ganesh Chaturthi?
Ganesha Curses Chandra

Ganesha curse Chandra dev – Why should you watch Moon on Ganesh Chaturthi?

Chandra dev was cursed by Lord Ganesha, due to which he lost his spark. Watching the moon on Ganesh Chaturthi will bring insults in our way. This post deals with…

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Read more about the article Birth of Draupadi – Princess born of Fire
Draupadi - the Princess born from fire

Birth of Draupadi – Princess born of Fire

Draupadi was the queen of Hastinapur, wife of the 5 Pandavas, and the daughter of Drupada the King of Panchal. Draupadi is also called as ayonija meaning somebody who was not born from a women’s womb. Draupadi was born from fire as an adult woman. And died in the end. Follow along in this article to know the complete story of the birth and death of the Princess from fire. This article focuses only on the events related to the birth and death of Draupadi.

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Read more about the article Who was Ghatotkacha – Strong and friendly demon son of Bhima
Ghatotkacha - The mighty Demon

Who was Ghatotkacha – Strong and friendly demon son of Bhima

Ghatotkacha is the mighty Rakshasa born to Hidimba and Bheema. Bhima is a Pandava, the Brother of Yudhisthira, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva. This father son duo of Bhima and Ghatotkacha created havoc in the Kurukshetra war. Follow along to know all the details from the birth to death of Ghatotkacha

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