Jambavan – Why did Shree Krishna fight Jambavan?

Jambavan was the bear king who actively participated in the Lanka War and helped Lord Rama win over Ravana. He was created by Lord Brahma to help Lord Rama fight against Ravana when he abducted Devi Sita. Jambavan was considered the wisest amongst all in the army of Lord Rama

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Jambavan was the bear king who actively participated in the Lanka War and helped Lord Rama win over Ravana. He was created by Lord Brahma to help Lord Rama fight against Ravana when he abducted Devi Sita. Jambavan was considered the wisest amongst all in the army of Lord Rama who helped Lord Rama and Lakshmana make crucial decisions and strategies in the Lanka war. Unlike his qualities, the one unwisely thing he did was showed interest in fighting Lord Rama. To which Lord Rama agreed and said, this would happen in the next yuga with his next re-incarnation as Krishna

Read along to know why did Lord Krishna fight Jambavan.


There was a Yadava King called Satrajita, in the dwapara Yuga, Who was a great devotee of Surya Dev. Pleased by the devotion of Satrajita, Surya had given him a dazzling Gem, called Shamantaka Mani. It’s spark was so huge that people often mistook the Gem for Lord Surya himself. The gem would pour tonnes of wealth and gold upon it’s owner. Once Lord Krishna asked Satrajita to allow King Ugrasena to have this gem so that it could benefit the entire kingdom. But Satrajita refused to give it to anybody.

Satrajita has a Shamantaka mani
Satrajita refuses to give Shamantaka mani


As we all know that due to the curse of Devi Parvati to Chandra dev, one should avoid watching the moon Hence on the ocassion of Ganesh Chaturthi Entire Dwarka was asked to stay indoors at the night to avoid looking at the moon. But Lord Krishna who was very fond of milk, Kheer and butter, entered into the Goshala to get some milk from the cows, And it is said that in this process, Lord Krishna accidentally looked at the reflection of Moon in the milk in the container, and soon Lord Krishna realised that there will be insults coming his way.

Lord Krishna watches the moon on Ganesha Chaturthi
Lord Krishna watches the moon on Ganesha Chaturthi


Once the brother of Satrajita, Prince Prasena, wore the Shamantaka Gem as a necklace and went for hunting in the forest. And was killed by a Lion. Eventually, A chimpanzee defeated the lion and took the gem and gave it to his daughter. Upon not returning of his brother, Satrajita accused Krishna, of killing his brother and snatching the Shamantaka Mani as he refused to give it. And these accusations spread across the kingdom.

Jambavan takes Shamantaka mani
Jambavan takes Shamantaka mani


Realising that these insults were because of watching Moon on the Ganesh ChaturthiLord Krishna, started on his journey to find out the Shamantaka Mani and return it to Satrajita, to prove his innocence. Krishna traced the path of Prasena in the forest and found the body of Prasena with marks of Lion’s claws on his body. Tracing the lion footprints further in the jungle, Krishna Eventually reached the cave of a chimpanzee were a young bear lady was playing with the gem. Lord Krishna tried to take it from her when the father chimpanzee came into fight.

Jambavan fights Lord Krishna
Jambavan fights Lord Krishna


The chimpanzee was so strong that he rained punches, rocks, tree stems upon Lord Krishna and fought with valour against Lord Krishna for straight 28 days without food and water. Eventually upon getting defeated, The chimpanzee realised that Lord Krishna was the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, and fell on his feet. The chimpanzee then said that his name was Jambavan, And he had helped Lord Rama with an army of Bears and Chimpanzee to defeat Ravana in the Treta Yuga. After the war had ended out of stupidity Jambavan asked Lord Rama for a fight. Lord Rama granted his wish and said it would happen in the next Yuga.

Krishna with Jambavati
Krishna with Jambavati

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Eventually Jambavan returned the Shamantak Mani, and asked Lord Krishna to Marry his daughter Jambavati to which Krishna agreed. Finally, Lord Krishna returned the Shamantaka Mani to Satrajita and proved his innocence by reciting what actually happened. Finally Satrajita realised his mistake and asked Lord Krishna for forgiveness. He also asked Lord Krishna to marry his Daughter Satyabhama, and gifted the Shamantaka Mani to Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna married both Jambavati and Satyabhama. However, refused to take the Shamantaka Mani from Satrajita.

Krishna marries Satyabhama
Krishna marries Satyabhama


The sages along with Narada came to Dwarka to attend Lord Krishna’s wedding. They put forth a request that, Since Lord Krishna had divine powers he could easily evade the insults which arose of looking at Moon on Ganesha Chaturthi. The sages requested Krishna for how could common people avoid these insults if they accidentally looked at the Moon.
To this Lord Krishna blessed them and replied who ever listens to this story of Lord Krishna and the Shamantaka Mani on the occasion of Ganesha Chaturthi After Praying to Lord Ganesha will have no or minimal effect on accidentally looking at the moon.

So this Ganesha Chaturthi, Do recite this story of Lord Krishna and Shamantaka Mani to your family and friends, to avoid the Bad Effects of accidentally looking at the Moon.

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Jambavan - Why did Shree Krishna fight Jambavan?
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Jambavan - Why did Shree Krishna fight Jambavan?
Jambavan was the bear king who actively participated in the Lanka War and helped Lord Rama win over Ravana. He was created by Lord Brahma to help Lord Rama fight against Ravana when he abducted Devi Sita. Jambavan was considered the wisest amongst all in the army of Lord Rama who helped Lord Rama and Lakshmana make crucial decisions and strategies in the Lanka war. Unlike his qualities, the one unwisely thing he did was showed interest in fighting Lord Rama. To which Lord Rama agreed and said, this would happen in the next yuga with his next re-incarnation as Krishna
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