Jayadratha defeated 4 Pandavas at once – Death of Abhimanyu

Jayadratha could defeat 4 Pandavas at once for 1 day Which eventually caused the death of Abhimanyu. This was due to a boon given by lord Shiva to him when he meditated to avenge himself. Read on to find out what exactly Happened. JAYADRATHA KIDNAPS DRAUPADI: Jayadratha is the king of Sindhu Kingdom and the Husband of Duryodhana’s

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Jayadratha could defeat 4 Pandavas at once for 1 day Which eventually caused the death of Abhimanyu. This was due to a boon given by lord Shiva to him when he meditated to avenge himself. Read on to find out what exactly Happened.


Jayadratha is the king of Sindhu Kingdom and the Husband of Duryodhana’s sister Dushayla. When the Pandava’s were in exile, the rest of the brothers were out hunting and gathering for food and water, when Jayadratha spots a beautiful lady. Not knowing her identity Jayadratha sends his minister to get to know her. Even after knowing her true identity and inspite of knowing the wrong doings of Duryodhana and his brothers in the Dyut Sabha, Jayadratha still went upto her and proposed her for Marriage which was a terrible act. Initially knowing Jayadratha as Dushayla’s husband, Draupadi welcomed him, later on knowing his cruel intentions, she refused his proposal upon which he abducts her and forcefully takes her to his kingdom.

jayadratha kidnaps Draupadi
jayadratha Kidnaps Draupadi


When the Pandava brothers return, and find Draupadi missing in the hut, they were told the entire incident by Draupadi’s friend Dhatreyika who had witnessed everything. Knowing this Pandavas chase Jayadratha defeating his army and warriors. A scared and confused Jayadratha afraid that he wouldn’t be able to defeat the Pandavas left Draupadi and ran to save his life. Yudhisthira secured Draupadi and ordered the others to catch Jayadratha but not to kill him.
Eventually they catch Jayadratha and treats him like a slave and shaves half of his head off and upon being said by Draupadi left him alive.

Also Read About How Amba caused the fight between Bhishma and Parashurama

Jayadratha punished by Pandavas
Jayadratha punished by Pandavas


Unable to digest the insult by Pandavas, an anxious Jayadratha meditates and impresses Lord Shiva. Upon being asked for a boon, Jayadratha asked for a boon to be able to defeat all the Pandava brothers, However, Lord Shiva said that it was not possible. Eventually, Lord Shiva grants him a boon that he would be able to defeat and withhold all the Pandava brothers for one day except Arjuna as he is always accompanied by Shri Krishna. Little did the Pandavas know that the person they once forgave would be the reason for their beloved Abhimanyu’s death.

Lord Shiva gives a boon to Jayadratha
Lord Shiva gives a boon to Jayadratha


On the 13th day of the war, Acharya Drona creates a Chakravyuha which could be broken only by Arjuna and Shree Krishna in the Pandava army. Thus Shakuni plots to send Arjuna along with Shree Krishna away from the battle field by engaging him on a fight on a remote land with the army of Trigartha led by King Susharman.
Abhimanyu also knew how to get into the Chakravyuha, but had no idea of how to get out of it. The Pandava and their allies decide to follow the lead of Abhimanyu and get into the Chakra vyuha and once the reach the centre, they fight and defeat the Kaurava warriors. However once Abhimanyu entered deep into the Chakravyuha, Jayadratha’s boon came to action as he stopped the Pandava brothers and their allies in the initial layers of the Chakravyuha which led Abhimanyu alone in the centre. Abhimanyu fought with utmost valour creating a havoc amongst his enemies. Eventually a bunch of Kaurava warriors killed the young Abhimanyu. This continues with Arjuna vowing to kill Jayadratha within the next dusk but that is a story for some other time. When Arjuna got to know this, he was filled with utmost rage and vowed to kill Jayadratha by the dusk of next day.

Abhimanyu fight Kauravas
Abhimanyu against Kauravas


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