Parvati tapasya for Shiva – The divine Union of Shiva Parvati

The legend of Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati’s wedding is the most beloved love story in Hinduism. It is the story of Parvati Tapasya for Shiva. How did Kaam dev play a role in bringing out Mahadev from deep meditation and get killed in the process? This is the tale

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The legend of Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati’s wedding is the most beloved love story in Hinduism. It is the story of Parvati Tapasya for Shiva. How did Kaam dev play a role in bringing out Mahadev from deep meditation and get killed in the process? This is the tale of divine union of Masculine and feminine energies.

Parvati Tapasya for Shiva
Parvati Tapasya for Lord Shiva


The tale of Sati

Once, Daksha organized a Yagna in his kingdom. He invited all the devas except his daughter Sati and her husband, Lord Shiva. Although Lord Shiva was against going to the yagna as they were not invited, Sati felt a daughter needed no invitation to go to her parent’s home. When Daksha saw Sati, he was outrageous and insulted Lord Shiva. When he crossed his lines, Sati couldn’t tolerate the insult of her husband, and she blamed herself. Soon, she immolated herself and burnt down the Mansion of Daksha.

Lord Shiva couldn’t tolerate the loss of Devi Sati and soon went into a deep meditation. He renounced his worldly duties and cut himself from the rest of the world.

Sati immolates herself when daksha insults Lord Shiva
Sati immolates herself when daksha insults Lord Shiva

IMAGE CREDIT: @artbygurudesign


Birth of devi Parvati

After the death of Sati, Devi Adi Parashakti came into the dreams of King Himavan and Devi Meenavati, who were the personifications of the Himalayas. Devi Para Shakti said she would take birth as their daughter in order to marry Lord Shiva in future and carry out their duties towards the world and ordered Himavan not to create hurdles like Daksha in her previous birth.

King Himavan and Devi Meenavati worshipped Devi Adi Shakti and promised that they would never cause any trouble. Soon Devi Shakti took birth as Parvati to Himavan and Meenavati. Parvati was an extreme devotee of Lord Shiva right from her birth. She made her purpose to win Lord Shiva’s love and bring him out of the Meditation that he was in for years.


Parvati tapasya for Shiva

When she came of age, her desire to reach Lord Shiva and express her devotion and love for him grew deeper. She walked her way to Kailash through the steep ice and avalanche, to meet a Vairagi Lord Shiva. Lord Vishnu became her guide and well-wisher and helped her get past all the natural hurdles.

To Bring Lord Shiva out of meditation, Parvati tapasya for Shiva was highly intense. For the first 1000 years, Parvati used to eat only fruits and flowers, Then for 3000 years she stayed only eating leaves that fell from the tree, Hence she got the name ‘Aparna’. Parna in Sanskrit means leaf. When Lord Shiva didn’t wake up from meditation even after Parvati tapasya for Shiva, Brahma and the other devas didn’t understand what to do.

Parvati Tapasya for Shiva
Parvati Tapasya for Lord Shiva

Kamdev’s arrow

As time went on, the intensity of Parvati tapasya for Shiva grew stronger. Until the Devas intervened and requested Kamdev to help. Kamdev was the god of love and desire, known as Cupid in pop culture. Kamdev was ordered by the other devas to bring Lord Shiva out of the Meditation by creating a rising the love in him again which was buried deep inside him after the death of Sati.

Kamdev agreed to this and Shot his cupid’s arrow of Love on Lord Shiva bringing him out of the meditation. This made Lord Shiva outrageous and the world witnessed the Rudra form of Lord Shiva who immediately opened his third eye and burnt Kamdev into ashes within a fraction of a second.

When this news reached Kamdev’s wife, Devi Rati, she was filled with extreme misery and anger. She blamed it entirely on Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati. She believed that Kamdev’s actions were to help bring success to Parvati tapasya for Lord Shiva and he was killed in the process. Hence Devi Rati cursed Parvati that she wouldn’t be able to conceive a child.

Kamdev shoots an arrow of love to wake Lord Shiva up, who immediately burns kamdev
Kamdev shoots an arrow of love to wake Lord Shiva up, who immediately burns kamdev


Shiva and Parvati’s union

Eventually, Parvati revealed herself in front of Lord Shiva who soon recognised her to be the reincarnation of Sati. Pleased by Parvati tapasya for Shiva, he accepted her love. Soon all the Devas started the arrangements for their Marriage.

Upon the request of Himavan and Devi Meenavati, Lord Shiva for once left the tiger skin and dreadlocks and took the form of Chandreshwar, which is believed to be the most handsome appearance of a man ever in the history of the Universe. On the other hand, Devi Parvati took the form of Chandraghanta which is said to be the most beautiful feminine energy of Devi Parvati.

That’s how Shiva and Parvati’s union happened.

Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati UNion
Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati UNion


Parvati tapasya for Shiva - The divine Union of Shiva Parvati
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Parvati tapasya for Shiva - The divine Union of Shiva Parvati
When Lord Shiva takes up Vairagya, Devi Parvati tapasya for Shiva, to profess her love towards Lord Shiva. With the help of Kaamdev, the union of Lord Shiva and Devi Parvati takes place
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