Somnath temple arrow pillar (baan stambh) – full mystery

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Somnath temple Arrow Pillar
Somnath temple Arrow Pillar

Somnath temple arrow pillar also known as Baan stambh, is a pillar standing in the temple premises of Somnath Jyotirlinga. This pillar is also a testament to the rich history of our country. This not only proves that our ancestors and rishi muni were not only great astrologers but also extremely good scientists. Somnath temple arrow pillar also proves that Our ancestors knew that map of the entire earth, unlike some people who used to believe that earth was flat.


Somnath Jyotirlinga

Situated in the coastal town of Veraval, Gujarat, the Somnath Temple holds profound significance as one of Hinduism’s holiest pilgrimage destinations. Its history is marked by multiple reconstructions due to repeated destruction by various invaders. Within the temple complex stands the Baan Stambh, or Arrow Pillar, which has stirred up intrigue due to several enigmatic aspects.

The mystery of Somnath Temple arrow pillar

It is said that within the premises of this temple, there is a pillar known as the ‘Baanstambh.’ While the temple itself is relatively new, this pillar is remarkably ancient, with a history dating back to around the 6th century. In other words, records of this pillar’s existence can be traced back to approximately 1420 years ago, indicating that it was present during the 6th century. Some even suggest that it may have been in existence for several centuries before that.

According to experts, this is a landmark pillar with a significant arrow pointing towards the sea, which is why it is referred to as the ‘Baanstambh’ or Arrow Pillar.

What is written on Somnath Arrow Pillar
What is written on Somnath Arrow Pillar

What is written on the Somnath Arrow pillar?

The Somnath temple arrow pillar has an inscription written in sanskrit :

आसमुद्रांत दक्षिण ध्रुव पर्यंत, अबाधित ज्योर्तिमार्ग। ( Aasamudraant Dakshin Dhruv Paryant, Abadhita Jyortimaarg )

Which means, “along the lines of the ocean, there is no landmass until we reach the south pole” which is in Antarctica. For all those people who say, science was born out of Europe or that Vasco da Gama was one of the first people to form the map of earth. And united states of America’s satellites proved that Earth was round, This proves all of them are wrong. Our Sages were not mere monks who spent their lives in forests doing nonsense, But they were extremely good geographers, Astronomers and scientists.

The Baan Stambh is not merely a directional indicator but a testament to the profound knowledge of ancient India in areas such as astronomy, geography, mathematics, and maritime sciences. In addition to pointing towards the South Pole, it exemplifies the remarkable expertise and accomplishments of ancient Indian scholars in these diverse fields.


Proof that Sages in India were Scientists

Experts suggest that this area, where the Somnath temple arrow pillar stands, is quite unique in the sense that it doesn’t host any significant landmass or human settlement in a direct line. Some believe that when the pillar was originally erected, it may have been in a region where no substantial land or human habitation was present, whether large or small. However, over time, changes in nature and geography might have caused slight alterations. Nevertheless, the most remarkable aspect remains that the astronomers of that era had a clear understanding of the South Pole’s location and the Earth’s spherical nature.

This implies that during the construction of the ‘Baanstambh’ or the Somnath temple arrow temple, the people of India had knowledge of the Earth being spherical – the understanding that ‘the Earth is round.’ Furthermore, they not only knew the direction of the South Pole but would likely have possessed knowledge about the location of the North Pole as well.

Somnath to Antarctica
Somnath to Antarctica

History of Somnath Temple

Historically, the Somnath Temple has been attacked and destroyed multiple times by foreign invaders. One of the most famous instances was the reign of Mahmud of Ghazni, a 10th-century Afghan ruler. Mahmud is said to have raided the temple and looted its treasures. The Arrow Pillar is said to commemorate the bravery and determination of the local people in defending the temple during this period.

According to legend, a devout devotee of Lord Shiva named Bhavsharma shot an arrow at Mahmud of Ghazni when he attempted to plunder the temple. Though the arrow is believed to have hit Mahmud’s headgear rather than him, it is seen as a symbol of the people’s resolve to protect the temple and their faith.

The Somnath temple Arrow Pillar is a historical and cultural symbol, representing the temple’s enduring spirit and its significance in Hinduism. It is not only a reminder of the temple’s turbulent past but also a testament to the resilience of faith and the temple’s enduring presence.



Somnath temple arrow pillar (baan stambh) - full mystery
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Somnath temple arrow pillar (baan stambh) - full mystery
Somnath temple arrow pillar also known as Baan stambh, is a pillar standing in the temple premises of Somnath Jyotirlinga. This not only proves that our ancestors and rishi muni were not only great astrologers but also extremely good scientists. Somnath temple arrow pillar also proves that Our ancestors knew that map of the entire earth.
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