Who wrote Mahabharata – The challenge of Vyasa and Ganseha

Maharshi Veda Vyasa wrote Mahabharata. Follow along in this article to know who wrote Mahabharata and how was Lord Ganesha involved in penning down the complex story of Mahabharata. Mahabharata is the story of ancient India which we nowadays mainly know as the fight for throne between the Pandavas and the

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Maharshi Veda Vyasa wrote Mahabharata. Follow along in this article to know who wrote Mahabharata and how was Lord Ganesha involved in penning down the complex story of Mahabharata.

Mahabharata is the story of ancient India which we nowadays mainly know as the fight for throne between the Pandavas and the Kauravas. To know the exact answer of this question about who wrote Mahabharata we need to first know who exactly Vyasa was.

Veda Vyasa
Veda Vyasa

Who is Vyasa

Krishna Dvaipayana ( as names by birth ) mostly commonly known as Veda vyasa was known as the person who segregated the vedas into 4 different collections. He is also known as the author of puranas and many more sacred scriptures. Veda Vyasa was the son of Rishi Parashara who is the grandson of sage Vashishtha ( Who was also the guru of Lord Rama ). Rishi Parashar was the author of the first purana the Vishnu Purana which is written into it’s present form by his son Veda vyasa.

Vyasa’s Relation with the Pandavas and Kauravas

Veda Vyasa’s mother was Satyavati the daughter of fisherman, who then went on to marry King Shantanu of Hastinapur. Which means that, Veda Vyasa is the step brother of Vichitraveerya and Chitrangada ( Sons of Shantanu and Satyavati ). The queens of vichitraveerya gave birth to Dhritarashtra and Pandu through Niyoga relationship with Veda vyasa.

The scriptures say that when Gandhari ( Mother of the Kauravas ) was blessed with boon of 100 sons by Lord Shiva, but delivers a lump of flesh after being pregnant for unusually long time of 2 years. Then Vyasa comes to rescue and cuts the lump into 100 peices which eventually turn into 100 boys.

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Two things are perfectly evident

  • Sage Vyasa is a significant and widely revered Sage. Who is considered as the partial incarnation of lord Vishnu
  • Sage Vyasa is closely related to Pandavas and Kauravas and the Kuru Dynasty around whom Mahabharata is mainly connected to.
Mahabharata war
Mahabharata war

Brahma Asks Vyasa to Write Mahabharata

After the Mahabaharata War was finished. Lord Bramha asked Veda Vyasa to compile the entire story of Mahabharata for future generations to read and learn from. As Lord brahma considered that Sage Vyasa was the perfect candidate to write the Mahabharata unbiasedly as he knew all the characters closely and intimately.

However Mahabharata is a long complex and convoluted, and It would be very difficult and take lots and lots of time to think, compose and write the entire story. Thus Vyasa was advised by Brahma to take the help of Lord Ganesha who is the God of knowledge and Wisdom.

Who wrote Mahabharata
Vyasa and Ganesha

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Who wrote Mahabharata? Veda Vyasa or Ganesha

Accepting Lord Bramha’s advice, Sage Vyasa went up to Lord Ganesha seeking help for writing down the entire story of Mahabharata. Also Sage Vyasa puts forth the condition that Ganesha would not only have to write, but would have to understand everything that he heard before writing it down. And The writing should have zero mistakes and overwriting. To this challenge Lord Ganesha counter challenges that Vyasa should dictate the entire story uninterrupted and should not take any pauses once he started until he finished.

However some scriptures also states that, While writing down, Lord Ganesha’s feathers kept on breaking, which is why he used his tusk to dip in the ink and use as a pen to write down. And this is how the complicated story of Mahabharata was penned down for our generations to read, take morals and learn from their mistakes and inspire from the people who walked on the righteous path.

Hence the Answer to the question of who wrote Mahabharata is Veda vyasa composed the Mahabharata and Lord Ganesha Wrote it down in Sanskrit.

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